Maori Party Celebrates the Power of Whakapapa

Maori Party

Tuesday 25 September 2007, 6:24PM

By Maori Party


The Maori Party today has recognised the changes that have been determined for the 2008 electorate boundaries with a statement that acknowledges the unchanging nature of whakapapa, regardless of boundary movements.

The major change in the 2007 electorate boundaries for the Maori electorates, has been the creation of a new electorate, Hauraki–Waikato, which has resulted in the people from Ngati Maniapoto from the former Tainui seat, moving into the boundaries of the Te Tai Hauauru electorate.

“Political boundaries don’t change whakapapa affiliations” said Mrs Turia.

“Tainui has been Tainui for a thousand years and will remain so, regardless of the changes that have been deemed necessary to accommodate population size (or quota)” said Mrs Turia.

“Ngati Maniapoto will now join with Ngati Raukawa, to strengthen Tainui perspectives throughout the Te Tai Hauauru electorate” said Mrs Turia.

“Te Tai Hauauru has a very distinctive presence as an electorate because of the diverse and unique nature of each of the iwi represented within the electorate boundaries” said Mrs Turia, Member of Parliament for Te Tai Hauauru.

“I take the role of representing the constituents of Te Tai Hauauru very seriously” said Mrs Turia. “I am looking forward to meeting with Ngati Maniapoto and hearing from them, their perspectives on the change”.

The Maori Party will also be discussing the implications of the other boundary changes in Te Tai Tonga, Ikaroa Rawhiti and Tamaki Makaurau electorates, in various policy hui that will be held over the next few months.

The Te Tai Tokerau and Waiariki electorates remain unchanged.

“We commend the work of the Representation Commission, and particularly the expertise of John McEnteer, Whetu Werata and Leith Comer, in working through the challenge of the new electorate boundaries” said Mrs Turia