Aquaculture Amendment Bill (No. 3) has second reading

Wednesday 18 May 2011, 3:09PM

By Phil Heatley


The second reading of the Aquaculture Legislation Amendment Bill (No 3) brings legislation to promote investment, reduce costs and uncertainty and ensure managed growth within environmental limits one step closer, says Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister, Phil Heatley.

"Following a decade of roadblocks and missed opportunities this Bill is set to reform aquaculture legislation," says Mr Heatley. "Once enacted it will provide an efficient legislative framework to enable the aquaculture industry to reach its goal of $1 billion in earnings by 2025."

The Select Committee reported the Bill back to the House on 9 May 2011 and recommended it proceed with some amendments.

"I want to thank the members of the Select Committee for their work and welcome the proposed amendments. The amended Bill continues to provide opportunities to increase export earnings and create new jobs, especially in the regions. It also retains essential protections for the environment and ensures aquaculture will continue to be balanced with other uses of the coastal space," says Mr Heatley.

The central feature of the Bill, the removal of the requirement for Aquaculture Management Areas (AMAs), remains with only technical amendments.

Removing the Requirement for AMAs means planning processes will be streamlined and aquaculture will be on an equal footing with other activities in the coastal marine area.

The Bill also ensures that the Crown will continue to uphold the Maori Commercial Aquaculture Settlement.

"The Bill will provide for the Crown’s obligations in respect of new space to be delivered, by providing either space or an agreed equivalent. Those provisions remain with only a minor technical change recommended by the Committee," says Mr Heatley.

"I would like to acknowledge the many people and organisations who took the time to make submissions on the Bill, and contributed to its development through earlier consultation processes.

"Once enacted, the new law will ensure that New Zealand is well placed to meet the growing worldwide demand for environmentally sustainable aquaculture products," Mr Heatley said.

More information about the Aquaculture Amendment Bill (3) is available here:

The Aquaculture Amendment Bill (3) can be read here: