Weta comes to Auckland's Sky Tower
SKYCITY and Weta Workshop are pleased to announce the signing of a new endeavour which will put the best of this country’s creativity on show in Auckland’s favourite tourist attraction. Opening on 15 August for three months, Weta Workshop and SKYCITY will operate what will be known as the ‘Weta Cave Shop’ within the existing Sky Tower Gift Shop at the base of the Sky Tower. The exclusive arrangement will see Sky Tower as the only Weta retail outlet in Auckland.
One hundred metres of space will be overflowing with merchandise and treats from the Weta stable including The Lord of the Rings collectables.
Richard Taylor of Weta Workshop says: “We are excited to be coming to Auckland and are thrilled to be invited by SKYCITY to have a presence at their most iconic of central city buildings, the world famous Sky Tower. We’re expecting a lot of interest from the international guests who will be visiting Auckland during the period and helping add to the wonderful spirit that we as New Zealander’s will be offering both local and international rugby fans during the World Cup.”
Tamsyn Alley, General Manager of Marketing for SKYCITY says: “It’s a real coup for us to sign up with Weta Workshop who are so obviously renowned throughout the world for their stellar work. We’re very excited and pleased to be working with Richard and his team.”