New line up for Federated Farmers Southland with Don Nicolson awarded a life membership

Wednesday 25 May 2011, 6:15PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand



Following Federated Farmers Southland Annual General Meeting yesterday, 23 May, the Province elected a new provincial president to replace Rod Pemberton, who is now farming in Central Otago.

Hugh Gardyne, a stud and commercial sheep farmer from Waikaka, is familiar with public office having served a term as a Gore District councillor and is a former area chairman for Federated Farmers Southland. Mr Gardyne continues to be involved in his local community and maintains a keen interest in rural industry affairs.

“Rod Pemberton has done an outstanding job as President and leaves the province in good shape,” says Hugh Gardyne, Federated Farmers Southland provincial president.

“I’d also like to record the contribution of Dairy chairman, Vaughan Templeton, who has also retired. Their service is a credit to them because people like Rod and Vaughan have worked incredibly hard.
“A key part of my presidency will be to continue strengthening the organisation in Southland and involve the new members who have expressed a willingness to help.

“Our AGM also heard from new Act leader, Dr Don Brash, who outlined the issues impeding New Zealand’s return to budget surpluses, the behaviour of Government and the "one law for all" prerogative as contained in the Treaty.

"The presentation of Life Membership to national Federated Farmers President, Don Nicolson, was a worthy acknowledgement of Don's exceptional service to Southland and the Federation’s affairs. His contribution has been outstanding", Mr Gardyne concluded.

Immediate past provincial president, Rod Pemberton, appreciated the support of the Southland province and his executive over his tenure.

“After moving to central Otago my focus is on getting fully back into farming. That said I’ll be looking to help out in my new community in some capacity.

“It has been my privilege to have served the Southland province and the way Federated Farmers responded to last September’s devastating storms.

I wish the new team all the best. With a rising membership Southland, is going from strength to strength and the team should have a rewarding few ahead of them,” Mr Pemberton concluded.