Green Tetris game aims to keep coal in the hole

Green Party

Thursday 26 May 2011, 11:02AM

By Green Party


The Green Party is launching today a Member’s Bill and a tetris-like computer game to further the message that dirty lignite coal should stay in the ground.

Green Party MP Gareth Hughes said that he wanted to take practical actions that would raise awareness of the issue, and remove potential subsidies to one of the most carbon emitting fuel sources.

“The purpose of my Member’s Bill is to incentivise clean, green and low-carbon economic development, so our children and grandchildren can continue to prosper for generations to come.

“Large scale lignite mining in Southland could see New Zealand’s carbon emissions increase by as much as 10 million tonnes a year, when we already need to decrease them by more than 20 million tonnes a year.

“That is bad for our environment and our economy. We should be pursuing modern renewable energy solutions, not 19th century coal.

“Dr James Hansen, a NASA director and leading climate scientist, said last week during his tour of New Zealand that the climate consequences of developing lignite coal resources in Southland would be dire. We should heed his advice.

“My Bill is based on recommendations by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, who said we should remove subsidies to lignite coal that could cost taxpayers billions.

“Tax payers should not be sudsidising dirty greenhouse gas emitting coal.

“Many people still don’t know what lignite is, or why we should leave it in the ground.

“So, to spread the message of Dr Hansen even wider, we developed a fun computer game that’s all about keeping the coal in the hole,” said Mr Hughes.

“We live in a country rich in potential for renewable energy and clean, green jobs.

“The Government can step in and stop this before it’s too late. Let’s tell them we want a smart, green economy, and not a coal based economy that will cost us the world,” said Mr Hughes.

Link to Keep Coal in the Hole computer game:

Link to information about James Hansen and a copy of his letter to John Key: