Minister welcomes information campaign for election and electoral referendum
Justice Minister Simon Power today welcomed the start of the Electoral Commission’s public information campaign on the General Election and the coinciding referendum on the voting system.
“It’s important that voters are given as much information as possible so they can take part in these important civic duties,” Mr Power said.
He said Budget 2011 included an extra $10.8 million for the Electoral Commission and the Electoral Enrolment Centre, most of which is to conduct the voter enrolment update campaign and carry out the election and the referendum.
This money will also be used to fund the Representation Commission which draws electoral boundaries.
“This funding will meet the extra costs of providing the referendum and will ensure that the Electoral Commission can deliver the same level of service that voters expect on election day.
“The funding will also allow the commission to run an independent public information campaign on the referendum to help explain the voting process, the details of the voting systems, and the fact that there will be a review of MMP if there is a vote to keep it.”
The referendum will ask voters two questions: first, whether they wish to keep the present MMP voting system and, secondly, if New Zealand were to change to another voting system, which alternative system they would prefer from a list of options.
Those options are First Past the Post, Preferential Voting, Single Transferable Vote, and Supplementary Member.
“Holding the electoral referendum honours National’s pre-election promise to hold a referendum no later than 2011.”
Further information on the referendum can be found and at