Finally an admission on unethical fishing practice

Labour Party

Friday 27 May 2011, 9:19AM

By Labour Party


The Maori Fisheries Conference last weekend, revealed an embarrassing admission from the Minister of Fisheries as to the problem of third world labour and conditions on board charter fishing vessels, says Labour’s MP based in West Coast Tasman Damien O’Connor.

“Unsafe foreign charter vessels crewed by third world labour have been a concern in the fishing community for some time, but until now the Minister has refused to admit that this is an issue,” Damien O’Connor said.

Foreign charter vessels are used by Māori to catch their Treaty of Waitangi quotas.

“The cosy arrangement between the National Party and the Maori Party has protected the unethical fishing practices in the industry and allowed the rundown of the New Zealand fleet.

“The practice is akin to slave labour,” Damien O’Connor said. “Keeping Kiwi jobs Kiwi has been discarded for quick and easy rental on quota.”

“All quota owners should be maximising the value of our wild fishery through well-paid jobs and high value exports.

“Too much of the fish caught in New Zealand waters is processed on foreign vessels or in foreign countries.

“Now that the National Government have admitted the problem, I urge them to do something about it to provide jobs and opportunities for unemployed Kiwis who will be prepared to work in the fishing industry if they can get a fair go,” Damien O’Connor said.