Six Southland residents take on New Zealand citizenship
At today’s meeting of the Southland District Council six Southland residents were sworn in as New Zealand citizens at a formal ceremony at the Council Chambers in Invercargill.
Acting Chief Executive Lindsay McKenzie told the new citizens that by becoming a New Zealander, you have committed yourself to this country.
He went on to say, “We welcome you as one of us, to join with your fellow Kiwis in building a stronger independent country for the benefit of all citizens. New Zealand’s future is now your future”.
The six new citizens are: Adrian Christian Koster, his wife Vanessa Koster and their son Kyle Reece Koster (aged 5 all three originally from South Africa), Mrs LakkhanaFergie (from Thailand), Ms Marina Morales Melendres (originally from Bolivia) and Mrs Margaret Mary Robertson (from Britain).
The ceremony also included presentations of a native tree from the Southland Multi-Nations Council and gifts from a social studies class at Southland girls’ high school,which is studying multiculturalism.
Lindsay McKenzie concluded the ceremony by reading a letter from the Minister of Internal Affairs welcoming the new citizens to New Zealand