College of Education agreement with Indonesian university

Tuesday 31 May 2011, 8:20AM

By Massey University


The College of Education last week signed a memorandum of understanding with delegates from Semerang State University in Indonesia, formalising the ongoing relationship between the two universities and representing a deepening of Massey’s overall relationship with alumni and education providers in Indonesia.

At the signing, Semerang Rector Professor Sudijono Sastroatmodjo thanked the college for its support. With similar interests in education, Professor Sastroatmodjo said it would be “an honour” to send an intake of students to Massey.

Massey Vice-Chancellor Steve Maharey described New Zealand’s education system as one of creativity and innovation. “At the heart of Massey’s College of Education’s is the desire to train students and engage in research that supports self motivated educators," Mr Maharey said. "We are at the forefront of where education is going and we are a skill-based provider for the sector. It is great that Semerang recognises this expertise and wants to work with us."

Previous international memoranda of understandings have seen the college move towards recruiting groups of international students to study at undergraduate and postgraduate level in New Zealand and overseas, as well as delivering short course education programmes.

Since the beginning of last year, the college has focused on developing its international links, and in the past year has signed memoranda of understandings with ministries and tertiary education providers in Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines.

College Pro Vice-Chancellor Professor James Chapman says the college is excited about the prospects of working with such a strong partner in Indonesia. “This MOU is consistent with Massey’s strategic direction in Indonesia," Professor Chapman says. "The college has also recently signed an agreement with the Sampoerna Foundation, a respected leader in the reform of primary and secondary education in Indonesia, and Massey recently hosted an alumni function in Jakarta. Together these initiatives are starting to pay off for the college.”