Ministerial group leads welfare reform programme
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett welcomes the formation of a special Ministerial group to lead detailed work on welfare reforms.
“A great deal of policy work has been done and now Cabinet has approved a Ministerial group to lead work on the policy detail,” says Ms Bennett.
The group of seven Ministers will be convened by Minister Bennett.
The Welfare Working Group reported back on its recommendations for consideration in February following a lengthy period of consultation.
“The Government is progressing work on those recommendations and shaping up a programme of welfare reform.”
“At this stage Ministers aren’t ruling out any recommendations, except requiring sole parents to look for work when any additional child born while on welfare, is 14 weeks old. That is a step too far for this Government.”
The work requires a whole of government approach with input from Treasury, the State Services Commission, Te Puni Kokiri and the Ministries of Social Development, Health, Education, ACC and the Department of Labour.
Ministerial Group Members
• Hon Paula Bennett - Social Development and Employment
• Hon Bill English - Finance
• Hon Simon Power - Justice
• Hon Tony Ryall - Health and State Services
• Hon Anne Tolley - Education
• Hon Steven Joyce - Tertiary Education
• Hon Hekia Parata - Women's Affairs
Cabinet has agreed other Ministers can attend meetings as required.