Innovative solution for dealing with organic waste

Tuesday 31 May 2011, 6:56PM

By Nick Smith



Environment Minister Nick Smith today opened a new plant in Rotorua that uses innovative technology to break down biosolids reducing waste going to landfill and greenhouse gas emissions.

The opening of the thermal oxidation pilot plant in Rotorua is part of the ‘Waste 2 Gold’ project – a collaborative research project involving Crown Research Institute Scion and Rotorua District Council that received $1 million from the 2010 round of the Government’s Waste Minimisation Fund.

“Biosolids or sewage sludge generated by sewage treatment is a big problem for councils around the country due to the large volume and hazardous nature of this waste. That’s why this thermal oxidation technology developed by Scion Research is extremely important to help reduce organic waste going to landfill as well as cutting our greenhouse gas emissions,” Dr Smith said.

“In addition to saving money and reducing the impact on the environment, this project could see new opportunities created for energy generation out of methane, as well as in biotechnology, and fertiliser production.

“This innovative project is a practical example of the Government’s Bluegreen agenda of supporting initiatives that create new enterprises that improve the environment.”