100 days to kick-off

Wednesday 1 June 2011, 4:08PM

By Murray McCully


With 100 days until the first whistle in the Rugby World Cup a series of key preparation milestones have been checked-off says the Rugby World Cup Minister, Murray McCully.

The tournament starts in Auckland on September 9th with the opening ceremony followed by the All Blacks versus Tonga match.

“It is pleasing to see the planning for the Rugby World Cup falling into place and one of the early signs of this will be a nation wide tour of the William Webb Ellis cup during July,” he said.

The road show involves a custom built truck with interactive displays and videos which will stop in 27 cities and towns from Kaitaia to Bluff. The mobile exhibition also sets out the New Zealand 2011 tournament details, the REAL festival highlights, and the history of the RWC.

“With 100 days remaining we are in good shape,” said Mr McCully.

“All major stadia redevelopments are completed. The major Eden Park redevelopment was finished last year. Otago Stadium will open in August.”

“Ticket sales are also healthy, with a further issue of tickets due to take place on July 4th”, he said

“We are expecting 85,000 fans from just over 100 countries and 2000 media to arrive so we will be showcasing New Zealand internationally at every opportunity, through the REAL New Zealand Festival, the REAL Showcase, and the Business Club.”

“The Festival has over 600 events planned while the Showcase will present the best of our businesses from seventeen different sectors through 270 different events,” said Mr McCully.

“I am pleased the recruitment for the volunteer programme has gone well and over 5,000 volunteers will work in fan zones, meet guests at the airports, and work behind the scene at stadia,” he said.

“Much of the hard work is done and now is the time for New Zealander to join in and soak up the festival spirit of the tournament,” said Mr McCully.



  • Redevelopments are complete, except Otago Stadium

Tickets & marketing

  • Ticket sales target of 1.35 million tickets and revenue of $268 million
  • Final phase of public ticketing begins July 4
  • Fast growth of online fan community, critical part of ticket marketing. RWC  Facebook page passes one million fans, making it the largest sports fan site in Australasia. 1.5m views on RWC You Tube site

Visitor numbers

  • Ticket sales to date indicate visitor numbers of 85,000 from more than 100 countries
  • Visitors include 29,000 from Australia, around 20,000 from UK & Ireland, 5,000 from Africa, guests from Asia and the Pacific Islands
  • Visitor numbers well ahead of original 2005 Tournament forecast
  • Market research of free and independent travellers show average length of stay 23 days and widespread intended travel around New Zealand


  • Accreditation applications show about 2,000 international media from more than 55 countries will be here including the world’s major news agencies and broadcasters

Tournament preparations

  • Match day planning, team services planning, construction of media facilities, ICT upgrades at stadia all well on track
  • Caterers are appointed and the training of hospitality workers is well underway to ensure best possible service experience. 1,600 have been trained through the EventStar programme so far


  • On track to recruit 5,000 plus volunteers.
  • Online training begins this month.




RWC 2011 flag bunting 

  • RWC 2011 flag bunting is available (either all of the RWC 2011 team flags, OR flags from one team only) for people to decorate their houses, streets workplaces and communities
  • Around 5,000 units or 50km of bunting has already been sold

Adopt a Second Team

  • Adopt a Second Team is about making our 19 visiting teams and fans feel at home and supporting them while in New Zealand – even if it’s just by welcoming them in their own language or singing their anthem
  • Choosing a second team to ‘adopt’ is an easy way to get in behind RWC 2011
  • Businesses, regions, schools and communities have already adopted a team and have planning underway (ref regional stories and examples)

RWC Education Programme

  • The RWC 2011 Education Programme uses the Tournament to excite New Zealand primary and intermediate students and enhance their learning
  • A RWC 2011 Activity Book, endorsed by the Ministry of Education, will be given to every primary and intermediate student in the country from July

First Impressions

  • First Impressions online training allows our front facing organisations such as retailers, hotels and taxi companies the chance to up-skill for the Tournament and deliver an exceptional welcome to our international guests
  • It’s completely free, takes two hours to complete, and will be available from mid-July. Participants will be offered a certificate and badge which will identify them as part of Team 2011
  • 35 organisations have so far signed up for the First Impressions training

REAL New Zealand Festival

  • The REAL New Zealand Festival is the biggest celebration of New Zealand ever staged, and runs alongside Rugby World Cup 2011 celebrating the diversity of our lifestyle and culture
  • 607 events in programme so far, expecting 1000 by September
  • See the May highlights document to find out more about the range of events in the Festival

REAL New Zealand Showcase

  • The REAL New Zealand Showcase will present the best of New Zealand business and industry to the world during Rugby World Cup 2011 through a nationwide programme of events. 
  • 17 NZ export sectors are staging 230 events from ICT conferences to the Auckland International Boat Show

NZ 2011 Business Club

  • The NZ 2011 Business Club connects local business hosts with international business people while they’re in New Zealand for Rugby World Cup 2011.
  • There are currently 2,500 New Zealand members and 2,000 international members
  • New Zealand members are planning to host business guests and colleagues from overseas, whether over a game of golf, fishing, or hosting at local showcase and festival events


Kicking off on July 4, the Rugby World Cup 2011 (RWC 2011) Roadshow will tour 27 towns and cities throughout in New Zealand, offering a taste of the excitement of the Tournament and the REAL New Zealand Festival experiences that will bring every region to life during RWC 2011. The Cup will also visit an additional seven towns along the way.  

The RWC 2011 Roadshow will provide Kiwis with the chance to see what RWC 2011 will be like, experience interactive displays of previous tournaments, to have their photo taken with the Webb Ellis Cup, to preview some unique REAL New Zealand Festival events, and to find out how they can get involved in the Tournament. 

Key Facts 

  • From Bluff in the deep south to Kaitaia in the far north, the RWC 2011 Roadshow, will tour throughout New Zealand with the Webb Ellis Cup, finishing July 31 in Auckland
  • A TVNZ Breakfast crew is following the RWC 2011 Roadshow around the country, with presenter Tamati Coffey broadcasting live from each location on weekdays
  • The RWC 2011 Roadshow will be touring with a custom-designed truck, which opens into a 72 sq metre exhibition style venue. It will feature interactive facilities, and information on Rugby World Cup history, and the REAL New Zealand Festival
  • Outside of the truck, there will be an area previewing how each region’s REAL New Zealand Festival events will come to life during the Tournament. Even if it’s raining, the huge RWC 2011 Roadshow marquee means people can still enjoy all the festivities
  • New Zealanders can win RWC 2011 tickets in competitions and giveaways at each location. They will also have the chance to purchase tickets and RWC travel packages on-site
  • A fun and easy way to be part of the RWC 2011 Roadshow action is to choose one of the visiting Rugby teams and ‘adopt’ them. For example, wear their colours, learn their anthem or find out how to say ‘hi’ in their language. A different team will be profiled on each weekday of the RWC 2011 Roadshow
  • The RWC 2011 Roadshow is being organised by Rugby New Zealand 2011 and the NZ 2011 Office with support from Tournament Sponsors Land Rover, DHL and ANZ; and House of Travel an official travel agent of RWC 2011


Here is a rundown of what you can do to get in behind the biggest sporting event New Zealand has ever hosted.


To make RWC 2011 a real success, it’s up to our communities to bring New Zealand to life during September and October, and welcome our international visitors in our warm and friendly Kiwi way.

  • Give a warm and friendly welcome to our visitors: In true Kiwi style, just say “hi” to our international visitors whenever you get the chance, make them feel welcome, and tell them what’s special about where you live!
  • Adopt a second team: This is an easy and fun way to get behind RWC 2011, welcome teams to New Zealand and support them while they’re here.  There are many ways communities can show their support for their ‘Second Team’ including learning phrases in that country’s language, dressing up in the adopted team’s colours and decorating businesses and schools. Our ‘Adopt a Second Team’ toolkit is packed full of ideas and suggestions, and from 1 June you can find heaps more information on Adopt a second team at or visit to find out about the RWC 2011 visiting teams.
  • Celebrate with the REAL New Zealand Festival: This will be the biggest-ever celebration of this country and the first time a Rugby World Cup host nation has staged a nationwide festival alongside the Tournament. The Festival will offer more than 1,000 events and experiences all over the country which showcase New Zealand’s arts, food and wine, cultures, heritage, entertainment, industries and business, experiences and lifestyle. If you want to be part of the RWC 2011 action you can simply attend Festival events, or even become a part of the Festival by submitting an event of your own, that captures real New Zealand! See for the full Festival programme or contact for more information.
  • Decorate your town: Hanging flag bunting and decorating local streets, buildings and schools is a great way to get into the RWC 2011 spirit and create a real buzz in your community. You can either order bunting including all the RWC 2011 national flags, or bunting with the flags from one nation only, if you chose to adopt a second team! Find out more at or email for an order form.
  • Take part in the RWC 2011 Education Programme: Students in New Zealand can celebrate the Tournament and further their studies, with the RWC 2011 Education Programme. A RWC 2011 Activity Book, endorsed by the Ministry of Education, will be sent out to every New Zealand primary and intermediate student in July,  and two online resources, and are complementary online resources. This package will allow teachers and students to learn more about the Tournament, the sport of Rugby and some of the other 19 visiting nations. See for more information.


RWC 2011 offers some enormous opportunities for businesses in New Zealand to celebrate, and make the most of the business opportunities created by having 85,000 international visitors, and the eyes of the world on New Zealand.

  • Join the NZ 2011 Business Club: The Business Club connects local business people (hosts) with international business people while they’re in New Zealand for RWC 2011. Hosting international Business Club members offers New Zealand business people a way of establishing new and enduring international relationships, and doesn’t have to be expensive! It could range from a BBQ on the beach, or a game of golf, to attending a REAL New Zealand Showcase or Festival event together. It’s easy and free to sign up at
  • Be prepared with First Impressions training: The First Impressions online training is a fun, free and interactive way for organisations such as retailers, bars, cafes and taxi-drivers to upskill and deliver a friendly and informed welcome to our 85,000 plus visitors during RWC 2011. The training is based on the orientation training module developed for the official RWC 2011 workforce “Team 2011” and is a great way for organisations to get involved in RWC 2011. It will be available from mid-July 2011 at
  • Adopt a Second Team: This is an easy and enjoyable way for workplaces to get behind RWC 2011, by welcoming teams to New Zealand and supporting them while they’re here – even if it’s just by learning a team’s national anthem.  Our ‘Adopt a Second Team’ toolkit has a specific section for businesses and workplaces, and from June 1 you can find more information on Adopt a Second Team at or visit to find out about the RWC 2011 visiting teams.
  • Go to the REAL New Zealand Showcase: This programme, of more than 200 sector events nationwide, presents the best of New Zealand business and industry to the world during RWC 2011. It demonstrates New Zealand’s key industry sectors and the people who work within them, and how we’ve developed products and services unique to our country. If you’d like to attend events, go to for a full, up-to-date programme, and to participate in your sector’s Showcase, please contact your industry organisation.
  • Get hold of the REAL New Zealand Festival and Showcase widget: The widget means you can display all the Festival and Showcase events in your region, on your own website(s). It is a free, interactive tile that allows users of your website to easily browse these events without leaving your site, and it’s very easy to implement. Contact for more information.
  • Decorate your workplace: Hanging flag bunting and decorating your workplace is a great way for businesses to celebrate RWC 2011.  You can either order bunting including all the RWC 2011 national flags, or bunting with the flags from one nation only, if you chose to adopt a second team! Find out more at or email for an order form.


Making a great impression during RWC 2011 

New Zealand’s frontline organisations are being offered the chance to up-skill for Rugby World Cup 2011 and deliver an exceptional welcome to our international guests, with a free online training programme.

First Impressions staff training is a great way for New Zealand’s frontline hosts to be part of the Tournament action and present our country in the best possible light. The two hour training programme takes only two hours and will be available from July.

NZ 2011 Director Leon Grice says it’s a great way for organisations to rise to the challenge of having 85,000 plus visitors in New Zealand.

“It’s a great chance to be part of a nationwide team who are pulling together to deliver a friendly and informed welcome to our RWC 2011 guests, showing them why Kiwis are famous for our hospitality.

“The training covers how the Tournament works, customer service excellence, visitor expectations, and the cultures and languages of the visiting teams and fans.”

First Impressions is based on the training developed for the official RWC 2011 Volunteer workforce ‘Team 2011’. Participants will be offered a certificate and badge when they have successfully completed the training.

Find out more about First Impressions and all the other ways you can be part of RWC 2011 at 


How businesses can get involved in RWC 2011.
  • Join the NZ 2011 Business Club and make connections with international business people by hosting them during the Tournament. See
  • Adopting a Second Team is an easy and enjoyable way for workplaces to get behind RWC 2011, by welcoming teams to New Zealand and supporting them while they’re here – even if it’s just by learning a team’s national anthem.  See
  • Decorate your workplace. Hanging flag bunting and decorating your workplace is a great way for businesses to celebrate the Tournament. See
  • Go to the REAL New Zealand Showcase. This programme, of more than 200 sector events nationwide, presents the best of New Zealand business and industry to the world during Rugby World Cup 2011. See
  • Get hold of the REAL New Zealand Festival and Showcase widget. Display all the Festival and Showcase events on your own website(s). Contact