Older New Zealanders should not be denied democratic duty

Labour Party

Thursday 9 June 2011, 2:11PM

By Labour Party


Older New Zealanders should not be barred from participating in jury trials because of their age, says Labour’s spokesperson for Senior Citizens Steve Chadwick.

The Law and Order Select Committee is currently considering restricting those 65 years and over from participating in jury service.

“Not only is this counter to international best practice, but it is discriminatory and damaging to the diversity of our jurors,” Steve Chadwick said.

“I agree with yesterday’s submission by Human Rights Commissioner Dr Judy McGregor and her assertions that the call does not reflect New Zealand's demographics and the rapid growth of our ageing population.

“Nor does it acknowledge the wealth of life experience older people can bring to the task of being a juror, and nor does it take into account that retired people may have more available time to commit to jury service.

“The recommendation amazes me,” Steve Chadwick said. “It runs counter to everything this government has said with regard to positive aging and reflects their lack of understanding and appreciation of the contributions older New Zealanders make every day.”