Commerce Commission authorises Cavalier Wool's purchase of Wool Services International's wool scouring assets

Commerce Commission

Friday 10 June 2011, 9:57AM

By Commerce Commission


The Commerce Commission has decided to authorise Cavalier Wool Holding’s acquisition of all of the wool scouring assets of New Zealand Wool Services International. If the acquisition occurs, Cavalier Wool will be the only wool scourer in New Zealand.

Cavalier Wool’s application was made under section 67(1) of the Commerce Act. The acquisition will clearly reduce competition in scouring and may lead to some price rises but the Act allows these losses to be outweighed by likely cost savings in the sector.

“The Commission has found that there are likely to be considerable cost savings from the rationalisation of the wool scouring industry that Cavalier Wool proposes to carry out. The rationalisation is likely to lead to lower production and administration costs, the freeing up of industrial sites, lower ongoing capital expenditure and improvements to wool handling,” said Commerce Commission Chair Dr Mark Berry.

For these reasons, the Commission concluded that the benefits outweigh the detriments and authorised Cavalier Wool’s application.

The written reasons for the decision will be available later today on the Commission’s web site at:


What is an application for authorisation?
Any person who proposes to acquire assets of a business or shares and considers that the acquisition may breach s47 of the Commerce Act, can make an application for an authorisation under s67 of the Act. The Commission must grant authorisation under s 67(3)(b) of the Act if it is satisfied that the acquisition will result, or will be likely to result, in such a benefit to the public that it should be permitted. Otherwise it must decline authorisation.