Auckland city centre....your verdict so far

Auckland Council

Friday 10 June 2011, 3:43PM

By Auckland Council



Tourists need more sign posts!

Where are the bike stands?

More free stuff for students and kids to do. 

Why do the shops close so early?

The form and design of the city needs a serious boost

Make it easier to walk around

Do something with the empty building sites

Make Victoria Park like Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne


These are just some excerpts from people’s views on Auckland’s city centre, from visitors, Aucklanders, residents and people who work in the city.

Auckland Council is seeking people’s comments on the future of our city centre as it puts together a thirty year masterplan for the city.  If there is something missing in the city centre, an area we need to focus on, or something you’d like to see, please tell us. Submissions close this Friday 17 June, so there is still time.

Drop us an email to or write to us at The Auckland Plan, CCMP, Auckland Council, Private Bag 92300, Auckland 1142; or go to, or pop into your local library where you’ll find a copy of the City Centre Masterplan discussion document and feedback forms.