Environment Canterbury new chief executive starts

Environment Canterbury

Monday 13 June 2011, 9:19AM

By Environment Canterbury



Environment Canterbury’s new chief executive Bill Bayfield starts today.

Environment Canterbury Chair of Commissioners Dame Margaret Bazley, says Mr Bayfield’s appointment represents a milestone for Environment Canterbury.

Dame Margaret says Mr Bayfield, an experienced chief executive, will provide valuable leadership for Environment Canterbury during a critical period in the region’s direction for resource management.

“We’re pleased to have Bill join us, in what has been a time of unprecedented change for the organisation, and for the region. His strong and respected leadership and ability to bring people together in a collaborative way, along with his experience across both regional government and public sectors, will serve us and the region well.”

Dame Margaret says there will be an official welcome and powhiri at Rehua marae, Springfield Road. Mr Bayfield will then attend a staff function at Lincoln in the afternoon.

Mr Bayfield is to be based at Environment Canterbury’s Ellesmere Centre complex, 24 Edward Street, Lincoln.