Skills Highway Award 2011: entries show positive results from literacy training

Department of Labour

Tuesday 14 June 2011, 9:37AM

By Department of Labour


This year’s Skills Highway Award entries show workplace literacy training continues to yield positive results for organisations across the country, says Labour Department Deputy Chief Executive for Policy and Research Jeremy Corban.

The Skills Highway Award celebrates workplaces that successfully boosted the reading, writing, maths and oral communication skills of their employees.

It is part of the annual Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) Trust Work & Life Awards.

Five companies have entered the third annual Skills Highway Award sponsored by the Department of Labour.

They are Cardinal Logistics, Framework Trust, Snap Fresh Foods, Spicers Paper and Stevenson Group.

They represent logistics and freighting; mental health and disability; food; paper; and the quarrying, mining, concrete and engineering sector.

The entries show workplace literacy training had several positive results, including improved company productivity, better staff retention, fewer mistakes and improved health and safety practice.

“Congratulations and good luck to this year’s entrants. By entering and sharing your success stories, you teach other New Zealand businesses a lot about the positive impact workplace literacy training can and does have. We can see from your example it works well in large workplaces like Stevenson Group, as well as small to medium enterprises such as Cardinal Logistics,” Mr Corban says.

Award winners will be announced at a presentation dinner on Thursday 25 August in Auckland.


For more information about the EEO Trust Work and Life Awards, as well as the Skills Highway Award, go to:

Organisations enter the Skills Highway Award by documenting how they successfully boosted their employees’ workplace literacy and numeracy skills with training and the impact training made on their business. They then submit their entry to the EEO Trust. The deadline for entries to the 2011 Skills Highway Award was 19 May 2011.

Skills Highway information can be found at: