Animal welfare strategy moves ahead

David Carter

Wednesday 15 June 2011, 10:07PM

By David Carter


Agriculture Minister David Carter has today announced steps to further improve New Zealand’s animal welfare system.

An advisory group is being formed to oversee the development of a national animal welfare strategy, to feed into a review of the Animal Welfare Act.

"New Zealand has one of the best animal welfare systems in the world, but we are always looking at improvement. The Act is now more than a decade old and needs to reflect changing practices and attitudes," says Mr Carter.

"The appointment of an advisory group made up of people with a range of animal health and welfare backgrounds will ensure a national strategy is developed that will stand the test of time."

The strategy will capture the views of stakeholders with animal welfare interests, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current system and establish a vision for New Zealand’s animal welfare system in 2030.

"This Government is working hard to maintain this country’s good reputation for animal welfare. The development of a national strategy and review of the Act are further proof of our commitment to animal welfare," Mr Carter says.

The final strategy and proposed legislative changes are likely to be finalised mid-2012.