Christchurch power supply update - 3.30pm Thursday 16 June

Thursday 16 June 2011, 3:49PM

By Orion



Power has now been restored to all but a few small pockets of Christchurch outside the CBD's four avenues, after Monday's aftershocks which cut power to about 56,000 customers.

Electricity network Orion is now responding to individual requests for power reconnection. Customers outside the CBD are asked to call Orion on 363 9898 if their power is off so the company can identify and repair the small number of remaining faults caused by the aftershocks.

Some large 11,000 volt underground cables in the eastern suburbs have been damaged by earth movement. The full extent of this damage is yet to be determined, says Orion General Manager Commercial Rob Jamieson.

"In some areas our network is running on backup supply. We're finding more damaged cables as we continue to assess the network - specialist teams are again arriving from around New Zealand to help with repairs," Mr Jamieson says.

Diesel generators are supplying power to some homes in Avonside and Bexley until the network in those areas can be repaired.

Mr Jamieson says Monday's aftershocks are not expected to have a significant impact on the major earthquake recovery work already underway following the February quake. "However, the network in the eastern suburbs will remain fragile while cable faults are repaired over the next couple of months, and especially if we continue to experience large aftershocks," he says.

A small number of customers within the CBD's four avenues, but outside the Red Zone, are still without power. Power is supplied to these customers from within the Red Zone which is currently locked down. The safety of our staff and contractors is our top priority and we must comply with access restrictions put in place by authorities.

Important messages for residents:

. The electricity network in the eastern suburbs is fragile - please stay prepared for further power cuts. Keep a torch and battery radio handy and charge your mobile phone often.
. If your power is off please call Orion on 03 363 9898. We need your information about the small number of remaining faults caused by the aftershocks.
. If a generator is supplying power to your house and your hot water cylinder is not heating, please contact your electricity retailer.
. Contact friends and family for help where necessary - wrap up well and stay warm.
. Please heat your homes. We are confident our network will cope with the heating load. At the same time, if you're in the eastern suburbs please use electricity wisely and turn off unnecessary appliances such as heated towel rails.
. If your power is not yet on, turn the mains switch off and check that nothing has fallen onto stoves and heaters, as this will lessen the risk of fire when power comes back on. Stay away from any exposed electrical wires.