Sewer clearing starts again

Christchurch City Council

Friday 17 June 2011, 5:43PM

By Christchurch City Council



The clearing of sewers of silt and sand in worst-affected suburbs has started again following Monday’s earthquakes.

Good progress had been made over past months, with more than 20,000 homes in the chemical toilet distribution area told they could stop using chemical and portable toilets. However, Monday’s earthquakes have caused significant set-backs in the process and around 90 per cent of homes in the 30,000-strong chemical toilet distribution area are once again asked to use chemical toilets.

There are three areas within the chemical toilet zone that were not affected by recent earthquakes and can continue to use their household toilets. These are parts of: St Albans/Mairehau/Westhaven, Queenspark, and Waimairi Beach/North Beach.

All other residents within the chemical toilet zone are asked to continue using their chemical toilet or portable toilet until they are informed otherwise.

Council Water and Waste Manager Mark Christison says people in these three areas can continue using their household toilets. However, if they notice any problems with wastewater flushing away, they should call the Council Call Centre on 941 8999 for further assistance. All other residents in the chemical toilet distribution area are asked to use chemical or portable toilets.

“We have been working all week on clearing silt and sand that has once again clogged sewer pipes in the worst-affected areas of the city. It is going to take some time to complete this process and Monday’s earthquakes will clearly have an impact on our goal of having sewer service restored to all households by the end of August.

“We are still determining the full impact on Monday’s earthquakes on the system and we will reassess the deadline in coming days.

“I understand that the setbacks caused by Monday’s earthquakes are frustrating for people who have recently been told they can start using their household toilet again and we are working as quickly as possible to clear the sewers and restore service to homes.

“We will let people know by letterbox drop as soon as they are able to start using their household toilet again, starting Monday with the three areas that have come through the recent quakes relatively well. In the meantime, we once again ask all others within the chemical toilet distribution area to please use chemical or portable toilets,” Mr Christison says.

If you have already been issued with a chemical toilet, please continue to use it, or portaloos where supplied. People who have not been issued a chemical toilet before and live in the chemical toilet distribution areas should contact the Council’s call centre on (03) 941 8999 to lodge a request for a chemical toilet or portable toilet. The elderly or infirm can get support to empty their chemical toilets. Contact the Call Centre for more information.

All Christchurch residents – including those in suburbs not as badly affected by the quake – are required to continue conserving water to reduce pressure on the system.