Sentiment and sales up at Field Days

Tuesday 21 June 2011, 1:54PM




Field Day’s sentiment was much more positive than last year according to Tom Ruddenklau, Chief Operating Officer, Hyundai New Zealand.

“End of Day one last year we had sold 17 vehicles and end of day one this year we have sold 25, day two we are at 56, the bell went just before and I think we are up to about 77. Last year in total we sold a hundred vehicles in 4 days.”

“Field Days is a great symbol and a great representation of the rural community and the agricultural community.”

“A lot of our customers are not only private individuals, but a lot of services industry to the ag industry as well.”

No longer is it a farmers day out with his mates … there is a very broad spectrum of visitors,” he says and many different customer types visit field days to make buying decisions.

“The sentiment at Fields Days this year is a lot more positive than last year.”

“Its been harder to do deals, but, there is certainly some good positivity this year.”

There is no rocket science to Hyundai’s continued growth in the New Zealand market he says.

We’ve had a clear plan and we stick to our plan and we get our head down and get on with it.

It’s symbolic of what is great about the ag industries he says.

“Our business is pretty simple, its about product and people.”

He says the brand is now well accepted on the farm from both the product proving its worth and via some successful marketing strategies.

A big part of the marketing has been becoming the lead sponsor for Country Calendar, which reflects New Zealand and the placement of their brand.

You can’t build a brand over night and we have a clear strategy and are sticking to that and are about half way there he said.

He said Field Days sales were on track with expectations and the strategic partnership has been a successful one.