Funding for local solutions to youth offending

Wednesday 22 June 2011, 2:16PM

By Paula Bennett


Innovative programmes aimed at reducing youth offending have been awarded $730,000 says Social Development Minister Paula Bennett.

The third round of the Fresh Start Innovation Fund has been awarded to nine community providers with a history of working with youth.

“This funding will help community organisations try and change some of the behaviours of young people at risk of getting into more serious trouble,” says Ms Bennett.

“A key focus of the Fund is also to address the high numbers of young Māori within the youth justice system.”

Successful programmes range from tikanga Māori based programmes in Horowhenua, Hutt Valley and Taupo, to a programme in Invercargill that works with the whole family to deal with difficult, at-risk youth.

There were no applications from the Christchurch region, which is probably due to the focus on the earthquake and continuing aftershocks.

“Canterbury based providers will be given the opportunity to apply for some of the $570,000 that remains unallocated from the third round.”

This additional round will open in July this year and applications for the 2012/2013 funding period will open early next year

So far, 34 programme providers have received almost $3 million from the Innovation Fund, which is part of the Fresh Start youth justice initiatives introduced last February.