Boating safety volunteers make a difference

Maritime New Zealand

Thursday 23 June 2011, 2:12PM

By Maritime New Zealand


Volunteerism threads its way through many of New Zealand’s community and social activities, and the recreational boating sector is no exception, Maritime New Zealand (MNZ) says.

MNZ Recreational and Small Craft Safety Inspector, Alistair Thomson, paid tribute to the organisation’s many volunteers during Volunteer Awareness Week, running from 19-25 June.

“MNZ administers a team of 203 volunteer Safe Boating Advisors, who are spread across the length and breadth of the country giving advice, information and support to New Zealand’s recreational boating community. These dedicated volunteers come from a range of backgrounds and professions, from master mariners to bankers,” says Alistair.

“But the common bond they all share is their passion for making recreational boating safer.”

Alistair says the volunteers give up large amounts of their time to work in their communities and help spread key safety messages, such as encouraging boaties to wear their lifejackets and carrying reliable communications, as well as checking the weather forecast and avoiding alcohol while on the water.

“Many of our advisors are heavily involved in their local communities and take on a number of other roles too. But regardless of whether they are able to give a little or a lot, we greatly value their contribution to making our boating communities safer,” he says.

Alistair says their contribution can range from giving a safety briefing at a fishing competition, to attending a regional forum with the local harbourmaster, carrying out a boat ramp survey, or just being a local point of contact for boating information and advice.

“As a relatively small organisation, MNZ recognises the important contribution that our volunteers make in improving boating safety on New Zealand waters.Our Safe Boating Advisors assist MNZ in its role to lead and support the boating community, while also giving the message that boaties must take responsibility for their own actions.

“We could not achieve this without the dedicated efforts of our talented volunteers.”

Alistair says MNZ is always looking for experienced boaties who want to join the Safe Boating Programme, with the minimum commitment of five days per year. The role also requires a minimum of a Coastguard Boatmaster qualification, at least five years boating experience, and a passion for making boating safer.