A highly effective Dyslexia program being offered

Monday 27 June 2011, 12:32PM

By Dyslexia BOP



Angi Edwards - Davis Dyslexia Correction® Facilitator
Ph.+64 (0)7 308 6882 or Mob.+64 (0)27 280 2953

Press Release
Contact: Angi Edwards
Phone: 07 - 3086882
27th June 2011
WHAKATANE, BOP, 27TH JUNE 2011: The Davis Dyslexia Correction® Program, the most widely used Dyslexia correction program in the world, provides Dyslexic children and adults with tools and permanent learning strategies that enable them to overcome, and ultimately correct, their own Dyslexia.
Offered in 39 different nations, the program can be done in virtually any language. Extensively trained licensed providers around the world currently offer the Davis™ Program in 34 different languages.
What makes the Davis Program unique is its core understanding of the Dyslexic thinking and learning style, and its adaptability to enable mastery of virtually any symbol, word, or concept that triggers confusion for a Dyslexic individual. Unlike traditional methods, many of which employ repetitive drills on the dyslexic’s weaknesses, the Davis program, created by a Dyslexic, was designed to work in harmony with the natural learning style of each individual.
Using the Dyslexic’s visual-spatial perceptual talents along with creativity, the Davis program provides a proven method for permanent learning. As program creator/founder, Ronald D. Davis says, “The creative process and the learning process, if not the same thing, are so closely associated, we will never be able to separate them.”
“There is a misperception that people with Dyslexia are ‘learning disabled’ and are limited in what they can learn. This is absolutely false. Dyslexics, when taught in a way that fits their learning style, can exceed the average student in their ability to master subjects, concepts, and tasks. Their learning style simply does not always fit in the traditional, linear-sequential curriculums of the verbal world,” says Angi Edwards of Dyslexia BOP.
Regardless of language, Davis clients around the world have overcome their learning difficulties by tapping into their natural creative and visual and/or kinesthetic talents. Using the Davis techniques, clients are able to self-monitor and control focus, stress-release, and energy-levels, making the Davis Program a highly effective medication-free solution to dyslexia and related diagnoses like ADD/ADHD, visual processing disorder, auditory processing disorder, and language-based learning disabilities.
Based on the book, The Gift of Dyslexia, by Ronald D. Davis, the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program continues to grow in New Zealand and overseas - and is helping clients to overcome their learning challenges, lift self-esteem, and implement lifelong and permanent learning strategies.
Since its publishing, The Gift of Dyslexia has sold nearly a half million copies and has been translated into 16 languages. Davis’ second book, The Gift of Learning, focuses on methods for correcting ADD/ADHD, Math, and handwriting problems. These ground-breaking books provide a unique insight into the thinking and learning styles of Dyslexics, discussing both the realities and characteristics of Dyslexia, in addition to examining its many gifts. Readers are welcome to try the methods themselves using the instructions in the book, but one-on-one facilitation is recommended.
As Thom Hartmann, author of Beyond ADD: Hunting for Reasons in the Past and Present, and many other top selling books says, "Ron Davis is a revolutionary and profound thinker and has discovered what history will record as one of the great insights in the fields of learning and how the mind works."
With more than 450 Licensed Davis Facilitators around the world, approximately 18,000 clients per year benefit from the highly effective methods that the Davis program provides. To view the list of licensed Davis Facilitators near you, visit or contact:
Angi Edwards
Dyslexia BOP
07 / 3086882 or 027 280 2953

ABOUT Dyslexia BOP
Dyslexia BOP, a proud provider of the Davis Dyslexia Correction® Program in the wider Bay of Plenty Area, is now accepting new clients. The first step is to set up a free assessment to see if the program is a suitable solution. For more information, call Angi Edwards at 07 / 308 6882, or visit the Davis website at