Auckland Council makes CBD rail loop high priority

Green Party

Wednesday 29 June 2011, 2:15PM

By Green Party



The Green Party today welcomed Auckland Council's decision to proceed with designations and further investigation for the CBD rail loop.

Auckland Council today voted to give $2 million to Auckland Transport to progress the project.

Green Party Transport spokesperson Gareth Hughes said the Greens had been campaigning for the project for over a year because it was essential to developing a clean green economy for a 21st century Auckland.

"Auckland Council has listened to the people of Auckland and is doing its best to deliver a fast, frequent rail network that will transform the city, despite the obstinate approach of the Beehive.

"This is a project of national significance and the Auckland Council shouldn't have to go it alone.

"But the Government prefers to waste billions on 1950s motorways that will not solve congestion and will lock our economy into dependence on expensive oil.

"Aucklanders are flocking to rail and we need to be investing now to meet demand in the future."

Mr Hughes said rail patronage increased 20 per cent between March 2010 and 2011 in Auckland, while traffic volumes on state highways were still at 2004 levels.

"We can't increase economic productivity by putting all our money in motorways when the international oil price is expected to stay high.

"But Auckland Council can help people get around by investing in trains and buses and making walking and cycling safer.

"We need to invest in a transport system that doesn't increase our vulnerability to high oil prices. That's smart economics," said Mr Hughes.