Appeal Goes Out for Safety Heroes
Mayor Celia Wade Brown is looking for some local heroes.
Coming up is Wellington's seventh Safety in the City awards, which seek to recognise people who have helped keep our city safe.
Mayor Wade Brown said: "Some amazing things are going on in our communities and some residents are working really hard to keep our neighbourhood safe or are performing wonderful acts of bravery.
"We'd like the community to tell us about deserving recipients - people who have shown bravery or initiative in a particular situation, or who have worked tirelessly to keep Wellington and Wellingtonians safe.
"We are asking the emergency services and other organisations for nominations but we'd like to ask the wider community too so we can unearth even more great stories."
Those stories typically relate to crime and disorder, accidents and personal or community safety. Nominees should be residents of Wellington City or people whose actions have contributed to safety in the city.
Last year's winners included the rescue chopper crew who helped in the ANZAC day helicopter crash, some surfers who tried to save a friend in trouble, an off-duty doctor who saved a man having a heart attack, a child who warned of a tsunami and victim support workers who help people every day.
The Safety in the City Awards will be presented at a ceremony in the Wellington Town Hall on Tuesday 6 September.
Send your nominations by 31 July to:
Emma Titcombe
City Safety Advisor
Address: PO Box 2199, Wellington
Phone: (04) 803 8200
Nominations should include:
- Name, address (if known) and contact details of person or organisation
- Description of what they did or do
- Short biography
- your own name, address and contact details.
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