In response to both the Councils’ and residents concerns about inappropriate growth in Jervoistown Napier, changes to the District Plan are being made.
A public meeting to inform residents of where and how much new building was allowed under the current plan was followed up with a survey of residents. The survey results were clear and the residents will be consulted once again when the changes to the District Plan are drafted. We expect this to take place at the end of July. Then the changes will be formally notified to the public.
Clearly, residents of Jervoistown appreciate the quiet rural nature of the area, the large sections, lack of built amenity and the small community they live in. The residents show the majority want to maintain and protect the rural environment that drew them to Jervoistown.
Mayor Barbara Arnott said “The results of two meetings and the survey were clear. Jervoistown residents gave the Council a message about what is special for them in their community. We want to protect that.”
None of the subdivision developments that have taken place in Jervoistown in recent years were permitted activities under the District Plan. The developments were granted resource consent upon completion of the Resource Management Act process because the applicants were able to demonstrate that the effects of each individual development could be avoided, remedied or mitigated. In some cases planning consent was granted by authorities other than the Napier City Council, namely Independent Commissioners and the Environment Court.
Further applications for ad hoc developments are still being received and the Council is concerned that the cumulative effect of all of these developments will not be in line with the expectations of the Jervoistown community.
“The Council and community have both signalled a change, now we just get on with the process” said Barbara.
For further information contact Johan Ehlers, Works Asset Development Manager, on phone 06 8344183 or by email