Council To Operate Pools Following Club Liquidation
Hamilton City Council will assume operational responsibilities for the Hamilton
Municipal Pools, following the voluntary liquidation of Hamilton Amateur Swimming
The Council-owned pools on Victoria Street have been operated by the club for more
than a decade, under a Service Level Agreement.
Council’s Leisure Facilities Manager Jason Rogers said Council staff had been working
closely with club officials for several months in an effort to give the club every
opportunity to continue using the facility. However, with a dwindling membership and
internal issues effecting its finances, the club has opted for voluntary liquidation, as of
Sunday, 3 July. Club members were advised of this development by club officials.
With the liquidation of the club, Mr Rogers said Council staff’s focus had shifted to
keeping the facility open to the public for continued use.
However the facility will open for reduced hours: 5.30am-7.30am and 12pm-2pm
Monday to Friday. It is likely the two-hour opening window between 5pm and 7pm will
be terminated. Entry fees for the pool will remain as per status quo.