Electoral Commission deputy chair appointed

Simon Power

Monday 4 July 2011, 2:10PM

By Simon Power


The Government today announced the appointment of Jane Huria as a member and Deputy Chair of the Electoral Commission.

Ms Huria’s appointment by the Governor-General is for a term of four years.

“Parliament has unanimously endorsed the appointment of Ms Huria, who will play a vital role in preparing New Zealand for this year’s General Election and the referendum on our voting system," Justice Minister Simon Power said.

The new consolidated Electoral Commission was created as part of the Government's wider programme of electoral reform and became operational on 1 October last year.

It is responsible for conducting all parliamentary elections, by-elections, referenda, and the registration of political parties. It is also responsible for providing public information programmes and advice on electoral matters.

In August last year, Justice Hugh Williams QC was appointed Chair for a term of three years, and Robert Peden was appointed Chief Electoral Officer and Chief Executive for a term of five years.

Ms Huria’s appointment completes the appointments to the commission.


Jane Huria is a professional company director. She is a director and shareholder of HSR Governance, a company which specialises in governance, strategy, and review, and is a board member of the Accident Compensation Corporation, the outgoing Legal Services Agency, the Red Cross Commission Canterbury Earthquake 2011 Trust, Winter Games New Zealand, and Ngai Tahu-mandated health and social services broker He Oranga Pounamu. She is also chair of the Advisory Board to trustees of the Christchurch Earthquake Trust, a lay member of the Health Practitioners’ Disciplinary Tribunal, and a mentor in the NZ Olympic Committee Women in Governance programme. Ms Huria is Ngai Tahu and affiliates to Ngai Tuahuriri.