Wade-Brown Welcomes Boost for Exports & Shipping

Wellington City Council

Monday 4 July 2011, 3:25PM

By Wellington City Council



Wellington mayor Celia Wade-Brown said today that the launch of the Kotahi freight service scheme, a partnership announced between Fonterra and Silver Fern Farms, would be a boost for coastal shipping and for export businesses.

The Kotahi scheme, publicly announced today, will see land and sea freight matched up more efficiently to get New Zealand exports to overseas markets.

Ms Wade Brown said that there were benefits to New Zealand and to Wellington through Kotahi, and it could impact other projects of significance for the Wellington region.

"By maximising coastal shipping and by maximising the use of trains, this scheme offers an ideal opportunity to help offset the carbon cost of delivering our products to the world and within New Zealand," she said.

"I hope that other major exporters and key stakeholders in the freight sector follow their lead to work towards more efficient linkages. Improvements in freight efficiencies lead to better margins for New Zealand businesses and better outcomes for the environment.

"Fonterra and Silver Fern Farms have shown that business collaborations that create more efficient transport outcomes across the whole supply chain can also enhance New Zealand's competitive advantages. Collaboration, smart business and positive environmental solutions are what we like to promote in Wellington City and they are to be acknowledged for that."

Ms Wade-Brown said that Kotahi could have spin-off effects for the Wellington region because it seeks to create hub ports for larger ships in Auckland, Tauranga, Lyttleton and Otago.

"Larger ships carrying full loads provide a lower operating cost and lessen the environmental impact. Wellington Port is in a good location and has ideal infrastructure to feed into this network.

"This is an excellent example of a collaborative partnership bringing rewards for New Zealand, a model Wellington has identified in Wellington 2040 and vital for Wellington's future," she said.

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