Blenheim's Water Supply Now Meets National Standards

Monday 4 July 2011, 4:00PM

By Marlborough District Council



The Wairau Aquifer is the source of the town’s water. It’s not a secure aquifer – in other words, potential exists for giardia or cryptosporidium, or bacteria or viruses, to get into the water.

In 2008 there was a public health alert about the town water quality.
About the same time, the government was bringing in compulsory drinking water standards for New Zealand, with which we must comply by the middle of 2012.

The Marlborough District Council took the most economical option to bring the town water supply up to standard; ultra-violet irradiation and a disinfectant process at upgraded treatment plants in Middle Renwick

Road and Bomford and Auckland Streets.

The far more expensive option of full filtration of the town supply was rejected.

The last of the three upgraded plants comes on-stream this summer. Other work was done to increase the storage capacity and improve reliability of supply.

It’s been one of the town’s most important community health projects of recent years, but the improvements come at some cost and Blenheim ratepayers are continuing to carry a significant share of the expense through their rates.

The $21M, which includes treatment, upgrade and construction of the lower Taylor reservoir, has been spread over three years. This is the final year to pay for the scheme. Blenheim water rates and charges have increased for a typical Blenheim property, by $40 each year.

But it means you can be sure that when you turn on a tap the water is safe to drink.