Blueprint to shape future of Puketapapa community

Tuesday 5 July 2011, 7:02AM

By Auckland Council



Innovative youth programmes, Manukau Harbour foreshore enhancements, mixed-use development around Stoddard and May Roads, and an upgrade of the Mt Roskill/Dominion Road town centre are among local priorities to be discussed at public meetings on a new local blueprint for Puketapapa.

Also up for discussion is a long-term plan, the Puketapapa Greenways Project, to connect local parks and open spaces into ‘ecological corridors’ for travel across Puketapapa by cycle and on foot.

The initiatives form part of a draft local board plan prepared by Puketapapa Local Board, which sets out the aspirations and priorities of local communities and will guide decisions the local board makes on what happens in the area over the next three years and beyond.

A summary of the draft plan, with a submission form, is being posted to every home in early July. Local people are now invited to public meetings to chat with local board members about the priorities and key projects identified for the area.

The meetings will be held at:

Thursday 14 July 7pm Three Kings School Hall, 944 Mt Eden Road, Three Kings

Monday 18 July 7pm Wesley Community Centre, 740 Sandringham Road, Wesley

Puketapapa Local Board Chair Richard Barter says the ground-breaking plan will shape the future of the local community.

“From supporting youth and migrants and driving local events that showcase our cultural identity, to revitalising our town centres and promoting transport improvements such as the Avondale-Southdown rail link, this plan reflects the priorities of the people of Puketapapa as we build a strong, safe and prosperous community,” he says.

Local board plans, which are being prepared by each of Auckland’s 21 local boards, will feed into other key Auckland Council plans, such as the Auckland Plan and Long Term Plan 2012-22.

"The new co-governance arrangements in Auckland give residents the opportunity to play a significant role in decision making alongside elected representatives. The Puketapapa Local Board is no exception. Its members are passionate about Mt Roskill/Puketapapa, its people, its open spaces, its organisations, schools, businesses and future. The draft local board plan is based on input made by locals. The board is again seeking feedback to ensure priorities for the development of the area reflect their hopes and aspirations," Mr Barter says.

Submissions can be made online at, or by returning a completed form to a public library, council service centre or by post using the freepost envelope provided.

Copies of your draft local board plan are available at:

· public libraries, council service centres and local board offices

· online at

· Auckland Council customer centre – call toll free (09) 301 0101

Submissions close at 4pm on Monday 8 August. At a later date local boards will hold hearings to consider submissions. They will then decide what changes will be made to the plan before a final version is adopted in October.

The Puketapapa Local Board borders the Manukau Harbour and includes the suburbs of Three Kings, Hillsborough, Waikowhai, Lynfield and Wesley.