New Zealand must support Australian moves on palm oil

Green Party

Tuesday 5 July 2011, 1:24PM

By Green Party


The Green Party is calling on the New Zealand Government to support Australia over the mandatory labelling of palm oil, Green Party food spokesperson Sue Kedgley said today.

The Australian Senate has adopted a bill which calls for the joint Australia-New Zealand Food Standards to be amended to require that the labels of foods containing palm oil must specify the palm oil content instead of just hiding behind the ‘vegetable oil’ label they currently carry.

“Consumers in New Zealand as well as Australia are entitled to know whether palm oil is an ingredient in food they are about to purchase,” said Ms Kedgley.

“At present in New Zealand there is no requirement to declare it on a label.Consumers want palm oil labelling because of concerns about the unsustainable and environmentally damaging effects of palm oil production in Southeast Asia.”

Palm oil production sees vast tracts of forest decimated with consequent effects on indigenous peoples and wildlife, such as the endangered orang-utan. Products containing palm oil often use seemingly innocuous statement ‘contains vegetable oil’. Countries which export unsustainable palm oil, such as Malaysia and Indonesia, are putting huge amounts of pressure on Australia over this legislation.

“Lobby groups in New Zealand such as the Food and Grocery Council are also lining up with the Malaysian and Indonesian Governments in opposing Australia’s push to label palm oil,” said Ms Kedgley.
“We need to let Australia know we will support their moves to label palm oil and side with the environment.”