Wanaka Sports Facility Moves to Next Stage
The Queenstown Lakes District Council is calling on the Wanaka community to help it move to the
next stage of working towards delivering a Wanaka Sports field facility.
“This is where it starts to get very exciting. We know there has already been quite a journey to get
to where we are today but the next steps are crucial to make sure we get this project right,’ QLDC
project manager Ken Gousmett said.
The focus now was on what would actually be provided at the site to be located at Three Parks.
The current site plan, which has been subject to important community consultation to date includes:
- Two courts sports building, expandable to four courts.
- A future aquatic centre of some 3000m2.
- Eight outdoor netball courts.
- One full size artificial turf hockey field.
- One sports field – indicative senior rugby.
- Carparking, car and bus drop off/pickup.
“Council wants to hear the community’s views on whether the above list of facilities is what is needed
or if there other facilities that should be included,” Mr Gousmett said.
The Global Leisure Group, specialists in sport and recreation facility planning, was helping Council
with this stage of the planning.
“Consultation with the community will be in two phases, the first in the July school holidays to get
feedback on what is needed and the second in the October school holidays for feedback on the
proposed facilities and site plan,” Mr Gousmett said.
The first phase included a questionnaire and a community workshop.
“You can now fill out the questionnaire online www.qldc.govt.nz or get a hard copy from the Council
office on Ardmore Street or the Wanaka Library,” he said.
The questionnaire would close on 1 August, 2011.
“The community workshop will be held on Wednesday, 27 July at the Lake Wanaka Centre, Ardmore
Street starting at 7.30pm,” Mr Gousmett said.
A questionnaire was also being sent to clubs and a series of meetings with clubs and other
stakeholders was also taking place this month.
Meanwhile the Wanaka Sports Project Steering Group, including community membership had been
established, including elected members and community representatives Jonathan Walmisley and
Duncan Good. The group’s first meeting would be held this month.
A full copy of the Consultation Strategy is available on Council’s website.