Priority on permanent homes for children in care
Since announcing Home for Life last August, Social Development Minister Paula Bennett says hundreds of children have found permanent homes.
“I’m thrilled to be able to say 329 children have gone out of State care into permanent, loving and stable homes as a result of Home for Life,” says Ms Bennett.
As at the end of June this year, 75 percent of those children have gone into homes with family or whanau.
For Maori the figure is even higher, with 85 percent having gone into permanent placements with whanau.
Home for Life is a permanent care arrangement involving a legal process as well as a package of support announced by Minister Bennett in 2010.
The Home for Life package of support includes:
• Financial support for clothing and other costs ($2,500 upfront payment)
• Babycare pack – cot, pushchair, bottles and babywear
• Reasonable assistance with legal costs
• Expert CYF support for as long as necessary
• Parenting seminars
• Respite breaks for carers to get some time out
“Families get to determine how much a social worker is involved in their lives and in their family, and I think that has been really well received.”