Community providers to get much needed funding

Wednesday 6 July 2011, 3:44PM

By Paula Bennett


Social Development Minister Paula Bennett says community groups can now apply for the seventh round of the Community Response Fund.

“This funding is targeted at those social service providers still feeling the effects of a recession, combined with increased demand,” says Ms Bennett.

The CRF was established in May 2009 for two years to help social services deal with increased demand and cost pressures as a result of the recession.

“This fund was due to finish, but we listened to community providers who said it was still very much needed, so we’ve responded by extending it.”

The CRF has been extended for a further year with $25 million available in three funding rounds of about $8 million each in 2011/2012.

“We recognise grassroots social services are carrying a heavy workload and this funding will go a long way to relieving that pressure,” says Ms Bennett.

“This funding is a further acknowledgement of the vital role social service providers play and confirms that this Government is backing them.”

So far $55 million from this Fund has supported more than 694 organisations. Round seven applications open now, will close 29 July 2011.

Application forms and more information can be found on