Drivers of Crime: supporting vulnerable children and families
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett welcomed the release of the Addressing the Drivers of Crime progress report.
“Providing the right supports for at-risk children and young people is key to helping them see a future without crime,” says Ms Bennett.
“Children in care are seventeen times more likely to end up in jail, so we have to pull out all the stops to address health, education and behavioural needs.”
“We know who these children and young people are and we know where to find them, so this is an exercise in wrapping the right supports around them”
The National Government has improved maternity and early parenting support, especially for first time mothers, a key area to be addressed.
Since the Drivers of Crime work streams were established in late 2009 a range of initiatives have been started:
- Budget 2011 Children in Care package: $15.3 million for medical and educational assessments, $14.5 million for mental health services, $11.4 million for ECE and $2.4 million for parenting support services.
- Improving Family Start with a stronger focus child abuse and neglect, lifting the quality of social work, targeting families most in need of help.
- Implementing the Fresh Start Youth Justice reforms that hold young offenders to account while addressing underlying causes of offending.
- The Never Ever Shake a Baby campaign, Social Workers in Hospitals, Home for Life and Supported Teen Parent Homes.