Positive Ageing - Tips For Older Pedestrians

Thursday 7 July 2011, 3:47PM

By Marlborough District Council



Local statistics show that at least half a dozen pedestrians are injured on our streets each year.

With age, reactions tend to slow so it’s more important than ever to be aware of the extent of any limitations to sight, hearing and general alertness when out walking.

  • Make sure you can be seen at all times. In daytime it can help to wear bright or light coloured clothing. If you are walking at night, carry a torch or use reflector tape on your jacket.
  • Legally, you must use a pedestrian crossing if you are within 20 metres of a crossing. Remember that our courtesy crossings in town are just that; reliant on the courtesy of a driver to stop, not an entitlement to step out onto the road.
  • Never assume that a driver has seen you; try if possible to make eye contact before you cross.
  • Don’t step out onto the road from between parked cars.
  • Wait for others (or ask someone to accompany you) when crossing the road if you lack confidence or need to walk very slowly.

Mobility scooter riders must observe the rules for pedestrians too. Adjust your scooter speed to a walking pace for maximum safety.