Construction On New Pumpstation Scheduled

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Monday 11 July 2011, 3:28PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Work is to get underway this month on a $3.8 million sewerage pump station upgrade at Frankton,
Queenstown Lakes District Council project manager Lane Vermaas said.

“The pump station is an essential asset required to supplement the existing and aging facility,” Mr
Vermaas said.

As the older plant neared the end of its life the new station would ensure risk of failure would be

The $3.8 million plant had been in the planning for several years. “It forms part of Council’s ongoing
investment in infrastructure upgrade and maintenance,” he said.

The construction period was expected to take up to eight months with heavy machinery and trucks
entering the construction site from the Frankton beach access.

“There will definitely be times where we will need to ask the community for patience and also to be
cautious during construction,” Mr Vermaas said.

The Frankton walking track would remain open but people could expect some minor detours at

“Any deviation from the track will be clearly signposted,’ Mr Vermaas said.