Crown Range Closures

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Monday 11 July 2011, 4:28PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Safety concerns and ill prepared motorists have lead to a decision to close the Crown Range
Road overnight for the next two nights with further snow in the forecast, Queenstown Lakes
District Council transport manager Denis Mander said.

Several motorists had been assisted in the last week having ignored road closures and chain
fitting signs. The majority were not carrying chains and had failed to register the conditions.

“The road is not maintained through the night and given the nature of the forecast we have
taken the decision to close the road tonight and tomorrow night from 10pm to 7am,” Mr
Mander said.

The situation would be assessed and extended if necessary.

“There is an alternative of travelling via Cromwell that adds only 15 minutes to the journey.
At night, with snow in the forecast we think that is a safer route for the public than an alpine
pass that is not maintained overnight,” Mr Mander said.

Conditions on the pass and around the district could change very quickly. “Motorists cannot
always rely on messages or signage to warn them of the dangers, there needs to be an
element of common sense. If your vehicle is losing traction and it’s snowing then it’s time to
put the chains on and drastically reduce travelling speed,” he said.

People that did not have chains and were not confident in driving on snow and ice should
consider delaying their journey or if possible take an alternate route.

The Council tweeted (qldccoms) and facebooked conditions each morning, with a twitter
feed scrolling live on the Council website