Kiwis Hiff British Habits
New Zealand attitudes toward tea etiquette are shifting, with the vast majority of Kiwis, particularly Generation X, turning their backs on former habits once respected by their British forebears. According to Comedian Dai Henwood, today’s New Zealanders are all about drinking ‘Our tea, Our way’.
These findings are the result of The New Zealand Choysa Tea Survey, a survey which polled over 550 New Zealanders aged 22 to 54 years – exploring attitudes towards etiquette and cultural values.
The survey revealed a remarkable shift in New Zealand etiquette away from traditional British social niceties. In particular, tea drinking, something 80 per cent of us do, appears to have been ‘Kiwified’. A massive 75 per cent of New Zealanders prefer to drink tea in a mug and without a saucer. In addition the overwhelming majority of the nation (94 per cent) enjoy ‘dunking’ cake or a biscuit in tea with guests.
New Zealanders have also proudly abandoned the formal “British” style of entertaining. Only 13 per cent of respondents stated that they still have a room specifically designed for hosting guests – suggesting Kiwis now prefer to connect and enjoy a social cup of tea with their friends in a relaxed, laidback setting.
Comedian Dai Henwood believes this generational change in tea-etiquette is a sign of a larger trend. “We’re seeing New Zealand tastes and social norms moving consistently further away from British principles, as we continue to define and reinvent our national identity. I think that’s choice.”
Although there are some habits which remain unacceptable for all generations, such as answering a mobile phone (64 per cent) or discussing your financial status while entertaining (71 per cent). Furthermore, the most discussed topic over a cup of tea is weekend plans (90 per cent) followed by work (74 per cent).
In response to this shift in tea trends and tastes, Choysa has developed Kiwi Breakfast tea; a premium tea, specifically designed for Kiwi tastes – celebrating the uniqueness and individual tradition of our nation’s tea culture. The brand new blend will hit supermarket shelves nationally in July.
Andrea Martens, Marketing Director - Refreshment for Choysa says: “The Choysa brand has been part of New Zealand life for over 106 years. We’re proud to use our heritage and expertise to launch our best ever premium tea – a deliciously rich and smooth blend of the finest from around the Kiwis – it really is our cup of tea, our way.”
Additional highlights from The New Zealand Choysa Tea Survey
§ The New Zealand Choysa Tea Survey shows (90 per cent) agree catching up over a cup of tea is still the best forum for sharing stories and anecdotes. New Zealanders are also a reciprocal bunch, with 81 per cent saying they would invite their tea host back for a cuppa at their place.
The majority of the nation is still neighbour-friendly, with 45 per cent of New Zealanders claiming they would invite a new neighbor in for a cup of tea or a drink.
§ New Zealanders of all ages are unhappy with current levels of direct contact with friends and neighbours, with 77 per cent desiring more quality time with loved ones.
§ Most Kiwis (60 per cent) believe the nation is becoming more selfish, with 45 per cent stating New Zealand is a more selfish nation than 10 years ago.
75 per cent of New Zealanders believe it is rude to leave the television on when entertaining guests over a cup of tea. Interestingly, only 45 per cent of Generation X holds this opinion.
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