Collaborative social leadership launches a national first
Today’s launch of the Social Wellbeing Strategy marks a national first as 13 of Hamilton’s key social development agencies come together to commit to delivering strong collaborative leadership and working collectively on top priorities to make a real social difference for Hamilton.
At the invitation of Hamilton City Council, key social development agencies came together in December 2006 to acknowledge the programmes and projects happening in Hamilton and discuss a new way of solving common problems and issues. Today their work culminates in the launch of the Social Well-being Strategy. Hamilton Mayor Bob Simcock describes the strategy as an exciting national first, delivering real results on the ground by uniting strengths and partnerships at the frontline to deliver a strong collaborative leadership for the good of the City.
“With 13 frontline agencies on board as key signatories nowhere else in New Zealand is there such a uniquely exciting and united approach to improving social issues.
“From the outset development of the Social Wellbeing Strategy was based on teamwork and a clear conviction that Hamilton will benefit more from the uniting of our strengths and the opening of partnership channels. The decision to work together is a deliberate one. As social development agencies we face deeply common issues. Wholesale improvement of the City’s wellbeing will not be achieved by one sector or one government level alone.
“By developing this collaborative approach we can start to deliver problem solving as an increasingly targeted and collective front, truly delivering on the Vibrant Hamilton vision”, says Mayor Simcock.
Along with Hamilton City Council, signatories to the strategy include the Ministry for Social Development, Tainui-Waikato Raupatu Trust, New Zealand Police, Te Puni Kokiri, Child Youth and Family, Housing New Zealand, Te Runanga o Kirikiriroa, Ministry of Youth Development, Family and Community Services, Social Services Waikato, Ministry of Education and Waikato District Health Board. Together the steering group identified social priorities for the city, recognised key opportunities for working together and most importantly committed to making that happen for all the priorities identified.
These priorities are encompassed within the strategy’s theme areas of city leadership and collaboration, community capacity and pride, vibrant young people, quality of life and community safety.
“Real results will be delivered on the ground over the next 1 to 3 years, through an initial six project line-up. The projects range from a one-stop-shop service provision model for families in need, to ‘cool things for youth to do that don’t cost much’ to address the gap of cheap and free activities for our young people to engage in. Housing affordability and economic development through home ownership have a key focus in this Strategy and the necessary links have been made to Council’s strategic framework”, says Mayor Simcock.
Minister of Youth Development Hon. Nanaia Mahuta, Hamilton Mayor Bob Simcock, Hamilton City Council Chief Executive Michael Redman and representatives from the signatory agencies will be present at today’s official signing. Hamilton City Councillor’s and key Council staff involved in the strategy will also be present.