Burn Dry Wood Only

Thursday 21 July 2011, 4:35PM

By Marlborough District Council


Your wood merchant can check the moisture content of wood; a moisture meter will give the green light to dry wood - with less than 20% moisture content - which will burn clean and hot. A red light means the wood is still too wet to burn well.

Most of Blenheim’s air pollution is caused by fires used for domestic heating.

Already this winter, air pollution has exceeded national air quality standards. When there are too many black carbon particles in our air, people begin to experience nose and throat irritation or even breathing problems. Most at risk are children, the elderly and people with asthma or other respiratory conditions.

To improve the air we all breathe:

  • Burn only properly seasoned wood; ie wood that is dry, which burns more efficiently. I t takes 8-12 months in a dry, well-aired spot to dry out freshly cut wood.
  • Always allow rain-wet wood to dry out properly before burning.

Other tips to stop the smoke:

  • Allow maximum air flow into your wood burner, especially as it’s lit and when adding more fuel
  • Don’t burn rubbish, plastics or other household waste material
  • Check your flue for soundness, soot and creosote each year.

The Marlborough District Council monitors air quality each day in winter and issues public messages when our air fails to meet the National Environmental Standard.