Emirates Engages Expert Eye For RWC 2011 Flagbearer Roles
All Black great and television rugby commentator Grant Fox will turn selector for a day in the build-up to Rugby World Cup 2011.
Fox, a member of the Webb Ellis Cup-winning New Zealand team in 1987, will help Rugby World Cup 2011 Worldwide Partner Emirates select youngsters to carry the flags of participating nations on to the field ahead of each match.
The search is on for 91 young flagbearers from all around New Zealand, boys or girls between the age of 14 and 16 inclusive.
Each young Kiwi selected will also receive two free match tickets for their parents or adult guardians.
To come under the selectors’ eyes, entrants have to express in 50 words or less why they should be a flagbearer, completing their application through the www.emirates.com/nz/flagbearer website.
“As a player, I very well remember what a buzz it was running out on to the various grounds we played on in 1987 and I can only imagine what an experience it will be for these young people to go out in front of the teams, flying a national flag,” said Grant Fox today. “They will also have the added thrill of being watched by their parents or guardians on this special occasion.
“I’m delighted to assist in the selection of the lucky ones – and who knows, one or more of them may one day run out on to the field during a Rugby World Cup Tournament as a player?
“The big plus is that this year, for the first time in nearly a quarter of a century, the fields are here in New Zealand. It may be some time before we have this opportunity to have Rugby World Cup flagbearers on our home grounds again, with so many other nations emerging as potential tournament hosts.”
All but four of the flagbearers for the 48 matches will be drawn from New Zealand. The opportunity for the young Kiwis will include flagbearer spots for the quarter and/or semi-finals, play-off for third place, and the Final itself, as well as all of the pool matches.
One spot in the Final will be reserved for a New Zealand-domiciled Skysurfer (non-adult) member of the Emirates frequent flyer club, Skywards.
For the pool matches, the competition will be divided into regions, guaranteeing local provincial representation among the teams’ flagbearers.
The Tournament opens on September 9.
Because there are no longer any matches being played in Christchurch, entrants from Canterbury will be among those considered for matches being played in Dunedin and Nelson.
About Rugby World Cup:
Rugby World Cup has provided the financial platform for investment and growth in the Game. The net RWC 2007 surplus of £122.4 million has underwritten a range of major funding initiatives, including annual national Union grants and Strategic Investments via the £48 million programme between 2009-2012 focusing on increasing competition across the global Game. The total invested by the IRB during the period will be £150 million.
Rugby World Cup 2011 in Zealand will be attended by over 1.6 million spectators and watched by a global TV audience of well over four billion in more than 200 countries.