Christchurch infrastructure update

Christchurch City Council

Friday 22 July 2011, 4:21PM

By Christchurch City Council



The latest information on city infrastructure and earthquake updates

Weekend road safety

Metservice has advised that snow is expected in the city on Sunday and Monday. We will keep you updated over the weekend about any road closures or other effects of the forecast snow.

Please remember to take extra care when driving on earthquake-damaged roads around the city.
Potholes and bumps caused by the earthquake remain on some city roads, which could be covered if snow does fall at the weekend.

If it does snow, please do not drive unless you have to. If you do have to drive, please drive to the conditions, reduce your speed and be alert for hazards.

A number of road closures remain in place around the city as earthquake repairs are underway. Please follow all signage and be alert for changes in traffic management. Find the latest road information online under the Roads section.

Silt collection

The collection of silt from around the city is winding down and collection will stop at the end of this month.
If you have silt piled on the road outside your home, please call the Council’s Customer Call Centre on 941 8999 or 0800 800 169 to arrange pick-up when volunteers are available.
Alternatively, you can take it to a city transfer station for disposal. Remember to keep your receipts for insurance purposes.

Water conservation

Residents across Christchurch are reminded to conserve water. The sewer system in the worst-affected parts of the city are still fragile and everything that goes down your drain puts extra pressure on the system.

The city-wide ban on watering gardens remains in place and residents are asked to conserve water where possible.

Facilities checked following aftershock

All Council facilities that were open prior to this morning's magnitude 5.1 aftershock have been checked and remain open.