Roading sector taskforce announced

Tuesday 26 July 2011, 3:35PM

By Steven Joyce


The government has established a Road Maintenance Task Force to drive value for money and seek opportunities to reduce costs for roading authorities around the country.

Transport Minister Steven Joyce says the taskforce has been set up alongside the new Government Policy Statement on Land Transport Funding to encourage initiatives in the road maintenance and renewals area that save money without sacrificing quality.

Mr Joyce says the push for value for money over the last two to three years has so far delivered variable results around the country.

”Some local councils and the NZ Transport Agency have been able to achieve very significant gains and savings, but others have been less successful.

“The Contractors Federation has told me that they believe significant savings are able to be gained through taking a more efficient approach.

“The task force will identify opportunities for efficiencies in road maintenance and renewals. It will also identify innovative products and best practice methods of procurement, and encourage their uptake through the country.

“It’s important to know that the large amounts spent on roading each year will not only be invested sensibly, but that we are seeking to increase the return on every dollar spent.

The task force will be made up of individuals from local government, industry, and the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA), and will be convened by the NZTA.

Mr Joyce says he expects that the task force will be fully established by August, that it will complete its investigations and share its findings by April 2012.

Initial Task Force Members

Jim Harland (Convenor)
Regional Director, Southern Region, NZ Transport Agency

David Adamson
Chief Executive, Southland District Council

David Fraser
Group Manager: Asset Management, Hastings District Council

Murray Noone
Manager Road Corridor Maintenance and Renewals, Auckland Transport

Geoff Swainson
Manager Development and Infrastructure, Local Government NZ

Cos Bruyn
Chair, Roading NZ

Jeremy Sole
Chief Executive, NZ Contractors’ Federation

Tony Porter
Member, Transportation Group, Assoc of Consulting Engineers NZ

Mark Kinvig
State Highways Manager, Napier, Highways & Network Operations, NZ Transport Agency