Mayor's Comment

Friday 29 July 2011, 8:20PM

By Tasman District Council



As the closing date for submissions to the Local Government Commission draws closer the level of interest in the draft reorganisation plan issued by them for the union of Tasman and Nelson has grown - and rightly so, as it is a once in a generation, or possibly lifetime, decision.

In the meantime the Council has written an open letter to the Commission asking them to correct the many and fundamental flaws in their informing reports. We have done this to ensure all people, not just those in Tasman, have the correct facts in front of them when they come to express their opinion about what is proposed.

Some commentators have accused us of being intransigent and having our heads in the sand in taking this action and our position overall. We, however, do not agree as it is our duty to ensure that the best interests of the District are served and we do not believe this proposal achieves this.

At the beginning of this process people were told that all the options would be investigated, this has not happened. What we have is a proposal that has raised a number of concerns regarding its treatment of the District’s representation, of the many and varied communities of interest in the District and region and the proposed costs to the average ratepayer.

Prior to, and continuing throughout, the process a great deal of rhetoric has been heard. However, as evidenced by the letter within this Newsline, we are concentrating on ensuring residents have clear and accurate facts in front of them. This is especially important if they are going to be asked to make a decision next year.

If people have issues with their respective governance bodies they are in a far better position to make truly beneficial changes in the current environment and not take the risk that some are asking you to take and accept a proposal that comes with unquantifiable costs attached.

– Mayor Richard Kempthorne