Report identifies NZ's climate change hot spots

Infonews Editor

Tuesday 10 April 2007, 9:19PM

By Infonews Editor


Key international research released today by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) paints a vivid picture of how climate change will impact on New Zealand's natural and built environments.

Climate Change Minister David Parker says the latest report provides more detail on how climate change is already altering the planet, and how the regions of New Zealand will be affected. "Climate change will increasingly affect our everyday lives - the food we produce, where we live, and the natural environment we enjoy."

"The Prime Minister has called for our country to move towards greater sustainability. Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and responding pro-actively to climate change is part of that overall movement."

David Parker says the IPCC report emphasises the need to prepare communities, farming and businesses for more severe weather events like floods, droughts, slips and storm surges, as well as the effect of temperature rises.

"The report sets out a range of impacts relating to different levels of temperature rise. It projects some benefits from a warming world. However, once that warming exceeds around 2°C, the negative impacts outweigh any gains.

"We all have a responsibility to act to limit the worst impacts," David Parker said.

"The public response to our latest climate change proposals has been very encouraging, with more than 3000 written submissions and 4000 attendees at meetings."

"The New Zealand public are clear they see climate change as a serious issue that demands a response, and that is what we are delivering."