Hamilton City Council joins Facebook

Hamilton City Council

Monday 1 August 2011, 10:09AM

By Hamilton City Council



Hamilton residents can now keep up to date with Council business by logging onto

An official Hamilton City Council Facebook page,, was recently launched, which will act as a
channel for informing residents and ratepayers about decisions made by Council and
providing general information on Council activities.

Hamilton City Council Communication and Marketing Manager Michelle Smith said the
page will also be another way for Council to gauge public opinions and prompt
discussions about topics of change or interest relating to its business.

“We recognise that many of our residents and ratepayers are now choosing to use
online media tools such as Facebook as a primary source of information. We invite
these people to like our page so they can receive regular updates on Council news and
business that may impact them.”

Hamilton City Council also oversees the Hamilton NZ Facebook page
(, which is designed to keep current
residents, ex-pats and visitors to Hamilton informed of events, new developments and
places of interest in the city. More than 8,600 people currently ‘like’ the Hamilton NZ
Facebook page.