Dad & Daughter Date Night

Tuesday 2 August 2011, 8:54AM

By Dad & Daughter Date Night



Wellingtonians have coined a new unofficial holiday and are encouraging families across the country
to join in. Dad & Daughter Date Night is an event that celebrates the special bond shared between a
father and his daughter/s.

Following the concept of Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, a group of Wellington fathers wishing they
spent more time with their family came up with the idea, Dad & Daughter Date Night.

“To celebrate the date, there’s one simple rule – spend time together,” said Mike Egan, Dad and
Daughter Date Night founder.

“We live in an increasingly digital world, spending less and less time interacting with our families and
forgetting the enjoyment that good old fashioned face to face quality time brings. Dad & Daughter
Date Night is just the reminder dads need to make the time for their daughter/s.

“There have been numerous studies carried out on the positive effects a father’s presence has in a
daughter’s life – such as boosting self esteem, improving academic success and lessening anxiety.
And according to Forbes Magazine fathers are the biggest influence in their daughter’s career

“Dad & Daughter Date Night is about encouraging dads and daughters to make time for each
other. Whether it’s getting an ice cream and taking a walk along the beach, going out for dinner, or
sharing a bag of potato chips and watching a DVD, as long as it’s time spent together the objective’s
achieved,” Mr Egan said.

Dad & Daughter Date Night has a Facebook page running as a forum with offers and ideas, from the
free to the fancy, on what to do on this date.

The inaugural Dad & Daughter Date Night launches this year, and in keeping with tradition it falls on
a day not a date – the first Sunday in August. This year it will be on Sunday 7th August.